In most variations of Rummy, when the deck runs out, the discard pile is shuffled (except for the top card, which remains face-up) to create a new draw pile. This ensures that players have a fresh set of cards to draw from.
However, some variations of Rummy may have specific rules for what happens when the deck runs out. Here are a few common scenarios:
- Shuffling the Discard Pile: As mentioned, in many variations of Rummy, the discard pile is shuffled to create a new draw pile when the deck runs out. This ensures that the game can continue without interruption.
- End of the Game: In some variations, if the deck runs out before a player has won by melding all their cards, the game ends immediately. In this case, the player with the fewest points in their hand may be declared the winner, or the game may end in a draw.
- Penalties: In certain variations, players may receive penalties if the deck runs out before someone wins. For example, they may lose points for each card left in their hand at the end of the game.
The specific rules for what happens when the deck runs out can vary depending on the variation of Rummy being played and any house rules that have been agreed upon by the players. It’s always a good idea to clarify these rules before starting a game.